Deepika Padukone will now be doing the role in Ashutosh Gowarikar’s “Khelenge Hum Jee Jaan Se” opposite Abhishek Bachchan that Asin Thottumkul turned down. Deepika Padukone is excited about working in a period movie with Ashutosh Gowarikar and has started preparing for her role.
Deepika Padukone was chosen after Ashutosh Gowarikar considered Sonam Kapoor and Genelia D’Souza for the role.
Asin left the movie citing date issues but in reality, she is getting choosy about movies since her last movie, “London Dreams” flopped.
This year very bad luck for Ashutosh Gowarikar, first Priyanka Chopra and Harman Baweja starrer “What’s Your Raashee” film not to impress audience and flop movie and second Asin walk out his upcoming periodical movie “Khele Hum Jee Jaan Se” with Abhishek Bachchan.
Ashutosh Gowarikar is very different director and he make very different director and he make very different movie especially for peroidical like “Lagaan” and “Jodha Akbar”. His first movie selected for top best five for Oscar awards.
Well if Asin walk out then Deepika Padukone selected for this film maybe its benefit for Ashutosh Gowarikar.
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